Friday, March 23, 2012

Lazy Days are good for the soul

I have been in a lazy mood off and on since January. I love how I have started accepting things will be fine without my involvement. The Babes are getting bigger, more independent, therefore I can take a brake more often. I thought if I relaxed and had more time, my blog would be blowing up with posts. Instead I breathe more, nap more, I am outside more. I have about four different tan line marks from being outside so much. Whether my skin in glowing or breaking out I am living with less worry. I am still me which means I am still just as emotional and observing all the time, I am learning to let life happen. I relish in these moments. I look forward to the woman I will be in 5 years.

We slept in so we let Our Boy sleep in too. He hasn't taken a Just Because Day off since fall and he was having some allergies this morning (nothing major but he was groggy and such) so we let him play hookie. We took our time and made western eggs and hot cocoa for breakfast. We "played" board games, they attempted a band session, and went to the photo booth app. We are off to play outside and it's only 12:28pm here. Happy Friday, Enjoy!


seasonsoflife said...

You have a beautiful family and you set a beautiful example of living a simple and meaningful life. :)

Writingfor5 said...

Sally your words are so kind and are greatly appreciated! I am very thankful for our friendship. Which reminds me, lets go walking tomorrow morning.. around wish bike path. Can I park at your place and we can go from there? What am I doing I'll call you! ; )

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