Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come together

I find myself wanting to have a motivational song playing during my blogs so it  goes:

I have had the pleasure of being around some wonderful new moms recently and hearing their stories on the transition into motherhood. Having three children myself who are all so different, so astonishingly beautiful and intelligent has me changed in ways I can only give credit to God for. We all have choices of how we choose to be mothers and how we choose to be leaders to those following us. I also have some amazing friends who are moms my friends Deena and Abbey are two women I have known for over 3 years and I feel like I could talk to them about almost anything I go through asa mom because we all have children the same ages. I also have my sister Alyssa and my dear friend Caroline who are not moms but have been by my side since my son was born and can give me great insight on how to handle moments when I feel overwhelmed or just have a funny story to share.

Its a wonderful thing when you can find other women who are moms and can share life with them. It's also wonderful when you have women in your life who are your friends whether they are in the same stage of life with you or not. Friendship is give and take. When you find someone who wants to give you what you give them than it's an amazing friendship that can surpass age, background and for me right now, continents. I am encouraged for our move and my hope to start a playgroup with new moms in the area for our girls. Because I stay home during the day with our daughters, I want them to still have social time with other children. You never know when you're being used to encourage others so be aware that when you share and love someone without holding back it comes back around.  Keep giving people! 

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