Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring cleaning-haircut edition

The Boy has been asking us if he can cut his hair for the past week. We all know his hair is gorgeous and he can get regretful, given he loves having long hair but at the end of the day hair is hair is hair. Husband and the kids had a movie night and I went out for a birthday party (a Sweet 16 for our babysitter and family friend) I rode with a friend and it was strange to reflect I was having a sixteenth birthday ten years ago. There we were, a group of twenty somethings who are all friends of our babysitter's older sister and watching these young girls posing in enormous heals. So we all had a good laugh that we were hanging out at a party with teenagers. It happened to be at a house with an amazing view and great company. 

We love this one.

 I always think of this song when it comes accepting your length of hair and accepting most things about yourself. He has been adamant that he wanted to cut it the past week so tonight after I got home we did. : ) The boy looks more like his seven year old self rather than a mini teen. Mama and Papa approve and so does Our Boy.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I left my heart in Africa

I have been overwhelmingly in tune to my thoughts and feelings of the African people. I am so fortunate to have friends in South Africa that we once visited in 2004. A close friend of mine has also moved to Tanzania in the past year and is a blogger as well. I have other friend's who have traveled many times to Africa and have such a heart ache for this dear place too. Reading current issues on Kony lots of stir has come to the mouths of Americans lips and the discussion: What is really happening in Africa? It is a good question to ask, so seek answers.

I have been privileged to see how people live with no running water, no heat or a.c. little medical supplies, little protection, little hope. I say I have been privileged because whether you have been to Africa or another part of the world where this is the current state of the people you know how humbled and in awe you can become. I little things like material items show little change on over all health. What kind of person you have become believing you need these things, and "This is normal." When seeing Africa, raw gritty, beautiful Africa you are faced with no concept you have been wrong on most things. I was young, seventeen, being in a shantytown for several weeks, it greatly changed me. Before I was a wife and a mother I was changed and I am thankful. This quote that has been running through my mind-one that a friend recently quoted. " T.I.A. for This Is Africa".

           And that is a perfect way to say how one can be impacted by this amazing place, it simply is.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lazy Days are good for the soul

I have been in a lazy mood off and on since January. I love how I have started accepting things will be fine without my involvement. The Babes are getting bigger, more independent, therefore I can take a brake more often. I thought if I relaxed and had more time, my blog would be blowing up with posts. Instead I breathe more, nap more, I am outside more. I have about four different tan line marks from being outside so much. Whether my skin in glowing or breaking out I am living with less worry. I am still me which means I am still just as emotional and observing all the time, I am learning to let life happen. I relish in these moments. I look forward to the woman I will be in 5 years.

We slept in so we let Our Boy sleep in too. He hasn't taken a Just Because Day off since fall and he was having some allergies this morning (nothing major but he was groggy and such) so we let him play hookie. We took our time and made western eggs and hot cocoa for breakfast. We "played" board games, they attempted a band session, and went to the photo booth app. We are off to play outside and it's only 12:28pm here. Happy Friday, Enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I've been voggy lately

Yes you read right, voggy. It is a local term known as the fog from the Big Island from the volcano mountain and trade winds bringing it to Oahu. This time of year especially, people will have a congested head say "It's the vog". When I started hearing this in late fall I thought they were saying "bog" My Husband thought it was "vog" I finally had to ask. Indeed it was the two words volcano and fog combined. We have all been very healthy Little Big Girl (as always) getting the sickest every year and I the healthiest, everyone else somewhere in between. More than just the weather has been affecting me, my cycle is all out of whack where I am now having 8 day cycle back to back with ovulation for another week. Feel free to have sympathy for our two men in this family. After watching last week's episode of Modern Family where Claire and the two teenage daughters were all...cycling at the same time. Richard saw his future.

We also have had two of the tires of the 4Runner and one on the Pathfinder flatten in less than three weeks.  We had a break in on Friday morning and are pretty positive we're never seeing those items again. Thankfully it was just small electronics. Hense no pictures this post, they stole my camera. Note to self: Get renters insurance, I'm finally listening to you Abbey! She's been telling me for years and I never thought we'd need it. We have a great landlord who wants us to feel safer so he is paying for updates on safety for the house. 

Also Nana is coming to see us on a surprise visit next week and staying for 5 days! We are all so excited and I am listing craft projects as we speak for us to do with her while the big kids have spring break. On a lighter note the letter key that is the last letter of the alphabet is not working on my keyboard. Not a big deal unless you like the word amaing!