Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Heavy or Light

I try my best not to make this my diary or a whine fest but here I go breaking my own stupid rules.

Are you heavy or light when it comes to how much you share? Are you the type to share only a little or are you the type to over share. Both of these can be for safety or for insecurity reasons. A good test to see how "deep" you are is by how easy it is for you to relate to others.  We can do this by openly displaying our flaws with others. We all have them, we all think about them but that doesn't mean we need to scream them from the rooftops. It also doesn't mean we shove them under the rug.

Being able to relate to others and use that to bond is a huge relational glue. It is why we connect with people, call them when we are in need or when we want to go out. I can appreciate someone being honest with where they are in their current state rather than a glossy facade.

 Do you share heavy or do you share lightly, and why? What allows us to feel more comfortable with others, does it even begin with them? Or does it begin with us? Be honest, be real, be more than just a surface. Choose to except yourself at exactly where you are now. Do not allow anything to tell you to portray you are five steps ahead.

Be in the present.

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."
- Maya Angelou

1 comment:

Sally said...

ahhhhh the constant conversation in my head :). I think over this a LOT! and have thought about it in regards to my blog countless times. I don't want to make my life seem falsely peachy but I also don't want to lose sight of the tiny joys in my life - a constant battle for balance of being realistic with being thankful and choosing to celebrate the good things while at the same time reminding people that there is pain and hardship and life is hard . . . :) thanks for sharing :)

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