Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring cleaning-haircut edition

The Boy has been asking us if he can cut his hair for the past week. We all know his hair is gorgeous and he can get regretful, given he loves having long hair but at the end of the day hair is hair is hair. Husband and the kids had a movie night and I went out for a birthday party (a Sweet 16 for our babysitter and family friend) I rode with a friend and it was strange to reflect I was having a sixteenth birthday ten years ago. There we were, a group of twenty somethings who are all friends of our babysitter's older sister and watching these young girls posing in enormous heals. So we all had a good laugh that we were hanging out at a party with teenagers. It happened to be at a house with an amazing view and great company. 

We love this one.

 I always think of this song when it comes accepting your length of hair and accepting most things about yourself. He has been adamant that he wanted to cut it the past week so tonight after I got home we did. : ) The boy looks more like his seven year old self rather than a mini teen. Mama and Papa approve and so does Our Boy.


C. Gold said...

omg!!!! yay harp, it looks fabulous :)

Michelle said...

The hair, before and after, looks so cute. He was brave! :)

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