Sunday, May 6, 2012

One who sees happiness doesn't even need to open his eyes

It's amazing how we live in such abundance and still can feel unsatisfied. Last night my husband and I were staring into the abyss of our pantry and refrigerator and with a sigh said "What is there to eat?" We have a full pantry and pretty full fridge yet still I was discontent with my choices for a meal. I am constantly fighting my emotions, praying I remember I am not my feelings. I simply just feel them. We recently watched This_Emotional_Life and it was a eye opener to me. What I took from it was emotions are so important yet they should not be why we do what we do, there is more of a core sense of truth we all have in us. 

You ask anyone and we know to murder someone is a violation of human nature, in fact we all hurt over the same things. We all desire love, connection and when those things are threatened we feel wronged by a person, but why? Our core sense of truth, our conscience is intentionally placed in all of us. Knowing I was designed a certain way with a working conscience and body also comforts me of a design to my life. The patterns of who I see and meet, the way our lives are weaved with others-all with intention. A dear friend to me has a saying and when I always think of him I think of him saying this-

"We are all connected."-Chris Roberts

Stay connected.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Such a great reminder. Thank you!

I would like to see the Emotional Life.

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