Wednesday, April 11, 2012

" We're getting old... "

 (The Boy on the left, at school hunting for eggs)

 I had a sister date on Saturday night. We went to Target for two long hours only to bring home things for the kids. It was great to take our time, we talked in lengthy discussion about each item we were curious about. My sister and I even talked about how we like to keep talking about something long after we should, while talking about it for too long. It only takes little things for us to have a good time together. She is becoming such a close friend to me, in a completely different way than before. It's one thing to be close because you have known each other for so long it's another when you both want to be close. We have hit that point in our now adult sister relationship. I think she can agree it is good for the both of us.We both were cramping after eating the food in the fancy "food court" at Target. I said it was my umbilical hernia which I have known about for years. During my pregnancy with our youngest I went to an amazing Indian doctor for a simple congested cough. He noticed right away I had a hernia on my very pregnant belly and gave me 5 more years until I'd need to do anything about it. Well it's been 3, and I need to do something soon. More about that later.

 Monday was great, my husband took his girls on a Lunch date to town (Haleiwa) not  to be mistaken for town town (Honolulu). We ran some errands, had a relaxing lunch, then Little fell asleep on the way home. A perfect morning for a date.

Last night we went out for our regular Tuesday night date. This particular Tuesday it was a chilly 68 degrees but we were accompanied by our friends, they had a Groupon to Bonzai and that meant a crazy amount of sushi for us. He had three surf lessons that day so he was insanely hungry and service was unusually long. We were given a free appetizer and dessert. The tempura was the overall favorite though everything was good. (Above from January we all went to the Birthing Stones for an afternoon trip that is about 25 minutes from the house)

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