Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The days are flying by

Today I talked to one of those friends you've known for most of your life and can start right where you've left off. Around the time I was pregnant with Little she moved to Miami and has been there since. Since then her boyfriend graduated law school, I had my third child, she worked for some intense Miami inner city schools and did some amazing things for the students, we moved here and now she and her boyfriend are moving in together. She is a preschool teacher now so it's great because she knows exactly what my day looks like with potty training and hilarious discussions that one will have with toddlers.


 Children don't observe your day as being your own, they view it as theirs with you in it. They see it more as not having a bad day or a good day it's more like I have a better or worse day because of them.  She's been working closely with a huge range of children over the passed four years in various degrees of stability in life. She completely knew what I was saying and both agreed how fast time can go by. She has many accomplishments in many children's lives and I'm so proud of the woman she is. I loved catching up and simply hearing her voice. So excited for this next adventure in life for her. Love to you Melly Mo!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love you too! Miss you!

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