Saturday, November 12, 2011

Less is Best...Well For Me

"It's not you, it's me. I just need space but don't worry not Myspace just old fashioned space" was what I told him at 4:30 this afternoon. We've been together since 2006 and for the past several months Facebook has been a way for new people I meet in Hawaii to learn more about me and contact me easily. Many months prior I had been feeling I use it out of boredom. Though I "Like" plenty of pictures and comment back and forth to people Facey and I have been growing apart. It started a couple of years ago when I realized I had too many friends. I had gotten up to around 500 and thought how many times I see or talk with those people in person each year. Also having children you don't want everyone and their brother to see what you did that weekend.

I went from over 500 to 300. Then to 200 then to less than 150. I started adding more people recently obviously because of new people I had met. But I still check it out of boredom not out of genuine interest. And just because I like talking to people doesn't mean I have to via Facebook. I also had one friend give it a try a couple of months ago and has really enjoyed it. She is a fellow blogger too so I believe this helps her connect with those who she chooses to open up with about her family without involving Joe Shmoe Random, that she was friends with ten years ago and still on Facebook. My sister has been off Facebook for a while and I never thought I'd do the same but she's grown more as a person in the past year than in her whole life and did it all without a Facebook account.

I have also been cleaning out the house again. Our house is a 3 bedroom at 730 square feet so if six toys get left on the floor than you can bet the floor is almost completely covered. No, I'm not pregnant, I'm just flustered at picking up the same stuff everyday...also how toys does a child REALLY need. I mean my goodness. My sister thinks I deprive the kids because they have more books than anything else and I make the kids get rid of an old toy when they get a new one but she also doesn't have to clean it all up each day. The motto less is more comes to mind. Sorry Facey but today less is truly more!

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