Monday, February 13, 2012

Being a voice that is heard

You might know I have a love for many things. Two of those things, people and talking with them. Everyone has energy, and I am somewhat of an open book. I see things in a black and white view most of the time, I want to find beauty in everything yet expect the truth of natural failure. In most situations I shy away from being shy. I think it's because I'm very interested and extremely observant. Through most of my life I've recalled being so into a conversation, you know one of those where you're looking away so you can recall what happened more accurately, making grand hand gestures, etc. Yes, I am one of those people.

My sister and I have a very similar voices. Richard can't tell who he's on the phone with, nor can our parents. Both of our parents have very animated voices that I recall listening to them go over a presentation. Our Dad likes to say we are good storytellers because we sing with our voices(talking). But despite my appealing way of telling a story I seem to lose people's interest even good old Dad. Because I am a person who sees in black and white and cannot deny the realness of what life shows you I have to assume the problems lies with me. Do I not have a voice that is heard, do I simply have a voice that just sings? Maybe, which leads me to a self challenge. Yes I'm one of those people who creates challenges for themselves for no reason (other than personal entertainment).

Look at that you are learning all sorts of things about me in this post and you get an old photo... shoot! : ) In all seriousness I have been invited to a Valentine's dinner tomorrow with some of our close friends and a clothing swap this Sunday with many women I don't know. More importantly these are all mom's that I will be around for many years to come. For that reason I want to change my approach and simply observe this week. Don't get me wrong I love the personality I have, it hasn't been a burden in my life.  Conversations tend to become a bit Courtney heavy when it comes to the vass knowledge being shared in social settings. I was actually told out of these friends we are having dinner with tomorrow I am known as "The Factual One".  It is good for the soul to have reflection of others more than yourself at times, let's do some reflecting.


seasonsoflife said...

Missed you at the dinner. And I know you are doing a self-challenge for personal growth and not trying to fish for compliments, but I just wanted to tell you that I love having conversations with you and I think you are a good listener as well as a good 'storyteller' or conversationalist. :) Hope to hang out with you soon!

Writingfor5 said...

Sal, thanks so much that was so nice of you to write! We missed going too and spending time with everyone. Especially because it was a kid free zone. Lets go to the beach tomorrow if you're up for it! Again, thank you!!!

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