Saturday, July 23, 2011

It Goes Around And Round

Merriam Webster describes giving with these words: To make a present, to grant or bestow, yielding to another, to commit to. Giving is something we all try to attain but how often do we actually attain it? Honestly, not often enough. We make excuses about how we don't have the time to give to our friends, our family and ourselves. We put so much before a well balanced living.

I wrote this post because a lot of my friends have recently enjoyed the taste of motherhood or are soon to be. I want you to know this early on in motherhood, and I'll try to make this clear...Ehem...FIND AMAZING WOMEN FRIENDS WHO ARE ALSO AMAZING MOMS! Was that okay? Now here's why.

 Looking for friendships with likeminded people who want to grow together is key for me. I personally am nurturing by choice, and a bit of an analyst not so much by choice. In friendships I give, freely and happily. But I do enjoy the return.

I am learning as I get older, to learn more about the person or friend I invest in. To not nurture, invest, nurture, without checking to see if they are even the type of person who is investing in my growth. Or even invests in their own growth for that matter. I am learning. I'm more careful not to hang out with someone because they are my age or even have children my children's ages. 

My season in life is a huge role in the people I bond with the most. My friend Abbey also has three children all within five days or a month and a half of each of my kids ages. My friend Deena also has two children who are the same ages as my older children. All of us have been with our husbands since high school which for Abbey and I is 8 years and for Deena and Tim it's been over 15 years. Both these women have a huge burden for our earth and how it will be for our children. Both of these women proudly wear their Mother Badge and would die for their children.

These things shape us, how we look at life, who we are to others. I know these two women truly feel the weight of my responsibilities because they carry the same therefore we admire and love each other for it. So women who have just dipped your feet into motherhood and have more single friends or married friends with no children be advised, this transition can get tough.

I am praying more, therefore I am listening more. I sure love to talk but I grow more when I listen. This might surprise you but I love growing more than I do talking. I could accept recent fizzled friendships as a somber loss in my life book. But without them, I listen less and I don't appreciate the beautiful women in my life I do have.

To Deena: I love you sweet Dee, I continue to be amazed and so proud of your passion whether it be room mom slash neighborhood everything, 13 mile marathons, or just molding great people in your home or at work! You are such an inspiration for those around you.

To Abbey: I love you my Abbey for all the years we've shared. You are amazingly strong and sweetly patient. You are a constant tug on my heart stings, you are such a balanced being with sometimes nothing but chaos around you. and I treasure your phone calls every time!

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