Monday, July 18, 2011

My First Love

When someone says My First Love you automatically think of that dreamy crush you had from school.  Or your first real boyfriend/girlfriend for more than 2 months. And then there's the guy who lived down the street from you, who secretly called you his first love. And professes his love through a drunk call when he finds out you got engaged. (It happens)

But I'm not talking about that kind of first love. I'm talking about the kind of love you can first remember giving or even receiving. That person who is almost as much the embodiment of your childhood than even you are. This person could have been your best friend that you shared all your secrets with, your parent who was your comforter or your sibling who was there for it all.

My first love is my sister. Alyssa is a beautiful human being. She was put on this earth for many reasons and one of the first on her list was to change me. Before she was born I was a lovely nightgown wearing, curtsy picture posing 5 1/2 year old, only child. I was very much put on a pedestal. Because I had lost my birth mom at 6 months everyone seemed to unconsciously know I needed more than usual amount of attention. Little did they realize that this six month old baby had already been wired to demand that attention as soon as she could utter her first words.

I can remember going to pick up my mom and new sister at the hospital and having to bring my own baby doll to feel included. Blahhh! I am so pleased to how much a child's naturally selfish and inward view can change so dramatically. Since I have had children I have realized what a HUGE role Alyssa was in shaping me to be a mother, especially a young one. She is such a blessing to our family, she is all my children's favorite person. They look at her the same way I do. She is the sixth member of our family. I challenge you to reminisce on your first love and see what comes about from it. How has that person inspired you for the better? I have already had a friend who did that recently which probably partially motivated this post. I love you Roo (Alyssa's nickname).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww well just like i shaped you into being a mother your kids have been doing the same thing to me for the past 6 and a half years!

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