Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dublin Time

Erin Go Bragh! For those of you who don't know this Irish term it means: Ireland forever. My sister is getting ready to go to what is our homeland and we couldn't be more excited for her. She is planning to live abroad for 3 months in Dublin, Ireland but before she does she came to visit us one more time before leaving at the end of August.On both sides of my family we are Irish. As well as Richard is Irish on his moms side. When Richard and I plan out our daydream vacation without the kids we talk about backpacking through Ireland. Seeing the huge rocky edges along the coast, the lush green hills, touring the local pubs(I don't drink beer but why would I not see the pubs?) and staying in hostiles or our new friends through couchsurfing.

(side note)A common theme I have noticed about the Irish, they are quick to do 4 things:

1. make babies
2. get in fights with anyone
3. drink alcohol for any occasion
4. have red in our skin whether we're drinking or not

Alyssa spent the week visiting and playing with us, it was wonderful. She always makes me so relaxed because she's the one person that can be in are home where the kids are half naked and I'm yelling at them for fighting and being half naked and she just smiles and helps alleviate some of the stress. We stayed up most nights talking on the couch, playing games and personality quizzes. She even got to play the "bad guy aka me" and put the girls to bed again for the 3rd time. Thrilling!

I can't say enough about how nice it was to have her stay with us, she got to sleep in The Boy's room and he bunked on the trundle of the girls bed. A little strange I'm sure, but she'd never complain partly because she's easy to please and partly because everyone wants to sleep in a boat bed.

Her newest adventures will be great for sure but of course I needed to feel like I was apart of this journey so.... I insisted she bring and wear my trench coat! Oh, the joys of being in Hawaii and the seasons never shifting too far from late spring. I'm so looking forward to seeing all the places she goes so she can recommend them for us in give or take ten years, haha. Until we see each other next sweet Alyssa and sweet Ireland, stay beautiful and Erin Go Bragh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww! im so glad i was able to visit y'all one more time! I will be back in December though and if you ever forget my next country ask Ava I think she's got it down :) and of course.. who wouldn't want to sleep in a boat bed?!

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