Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My mental cleansing

 We simplified a good bit of furniture before the move. It was quit a surprised to move into a house with only:

* 1 single linen closet

* 1 regular two door closet (in the girls room)

* 3 shelves next to my washer and dryer for storage ( tools, sports equipment)

* 1 bed frame that stores 6 baskets

* no garage

* no attic

* no basement

So even with all my self righteous "down sizing do gooder talk" my storage bins still laughed at me saying  "Well, I bet you didn't see that coming!"  I most certainly did not, so we downsized again. This week has been the third downsize. It was my closet, which I share one door side with the girls so it can get tight with all us ladies finding something to wear. It looks much better so yesterday I sat and thought "On to the next task!" Unfortunately now I had something a little more in depth than organizing tank tops. It was cleaning up my thoughts. My focus has been all over lately from Ava's new school, to doctors appointments, behavior, new local foods, and hanging out with other women. I have been socially overstimulated with meeting a TON of new people, and you know me, I love people. But it has been a bit overwhelming. Trying to remember names, their children's name, then my last conversation I had with them.

I also have been noticing me being a bit lazy in my consideration, my casualness to just saying things before confirming my thoughts. I knew today when I out load said I knew something wasn't true but continued to have a conversation about it anyway. I had this huge weight put on me when I got in the car and I could hear " What was that? You don't even support that kind of talk, why are you allowing this to creep in?" Thankfully this new friend of mine is quite patient and was very casual with my topic.

But I was faced with clearing this blasé, non connective conversations out of my thoughts and off my tongue. It's never good to talk just to talk. Without meaning you are wasting your efforts. I am starting a cleanse. Here is my new but old daily remedy I am restarting:

* Wake up and stretch even if it's for 2 minutes

* Pray

* Give each person in my family a word of encouragement as I greet them

* Acknowledge that my day can be as beautiful as I choose it to be and pray it will

* Read, no one is ever growing when they aren't learning

* Meditiate

* Tell someone something great about them

* Pray

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